kurume-cikusui high school | james.k



Please tell the opinion of all of you.
In a public high school of Japan, a school teaching to bri ng up a cock from an egg to death, and to serve exists!T he class lasts 16 years. It is performed as reality suddenly that it is unbelievabl e. The student cuts the carotid of the cock and murders yo u. There was the school girl who cried madly in the stud ent. When a student killed a cock, the cock did not act violent ly. This is because it believed a human being.

The Fukuoka Board of Education commends this class.

Japan is an animal protection underdeveloped country We nations must be ashamed

I wish this class is abolished immediately http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=509DuVWL66g&featu re=youtube_gdata_player$james.k  ☆5/26(日)動物愛護(犬猫の殺処分、被災動物、動物実験、等)パネル展&チラシ配り@博多!!開催決定!参加者大募集!!-Simplog