Who Was Brainwashed?


 Some time ago we posted an article titled Can You Sing Kimigayo? which created a small sensation. In the article I argued that it was strange not to teach Kimigayo, the national anthem of Japan, in public and private schools.



The majority of readers agreed with my opinion, but a minority made the counterargument that Kimigayo is symbolic of militarism. However, a short check of history reveals the fact that the song Kimigayo has been sung by generations of Japanese as a traditional song of celebration.




The argument for Kimigayo as a symbol of militarism is basically as follows. The Kimi in Kimigayo refers to the Emperor, and the Japanese were brainwashed into dying for the Emperor during World War II, so this song is inappropriate.


However, the lyrics of Kimigayo did not originally have that meaning. It is no doubt true that there were people guilty of changing the interpretation of the meaning and brainwashing the Japanese people into that view. If that is true, then the person or persons responsible were clearly militarists.



If they want to criticize the mistakes perpetrated by the militarists in the past and totally reject militaristic philosophy, then should not the pacifists themselves promote the fact that Kimigayo was originally a song of celebration and not a song about the Emperor?


It is supremely ironic that these self-styled pacifists are the very people unable to clear their minds of the brainwashing perpetrated more than 70 years ago by the militarists whom they abhor.

六本木男声合唱団倶楽部 ミュージカル「ウェスト・サイズ・ストーリー」
  2月15日(日) 25:00~27:00 「公演」放送日

Roppongi Men’s Chorus Club Musical: “West Size Story”
BS Asahi (BS Digital Channel 5)
Actual Final Performance: February 15, 25:00 ~ 27:00

Twitter(ブログ更新通知用): https://twitter.com/KentGilbert01