猫の習性を無視した「餌やり防止」は逆効果 | CAPIN(キャピン)公式活動報告


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捨てられた猫(stray cats)や、それが産んだ人馴れしていない猫(feral cats)が住みつくのは、


















アメリカ動物虐待防止協会 ASPCA


TNR 飼い主の不明な猫をどうするか?何がベストなの?


Start by Making Friends with Food


If you decide to help a stray cat, feeding her is the most effective way to strike up a friendship. Leave some strong-smelling food, like canned cat food, in an area where you’ve seen the stray cat. Be sure to deliver the food at the same time each day, in the same spot, so the cat learns when and where to expect a meal. After a few days of food delivery, stick around to see if the stray cat will approach while you’re in sight. Be sure to keep your distance at first so the cat doesn’t have to come too close to you to eat. It may also help to sit on the ground so you look less intimidating. If the cat doesn’t approach, go back to delivering food and leaving the area. After a few more days, try sticking around again. If the cat does approach, continue to keep your distance. Resist the urge to approach and try to pet her. Over the next couple of weeks, sit down closer and closer to the food dish.




If you have only one feral cat as a pet and are discouraged that you aren’t able to touch her after months or years, consider adopting a second, very friendly cat as a companion (if she likes other cats). This will give you a pet that you can actually touch and provide companionship and a good example to the shy one. As an extra bonus, if you get your second cat from a shelter or the street, you’re saving two lives instead of one!


■the HUMANE SOCIETY of the U.S.


http://www.humanesociety.org/issues/feral_cats/qa/feral_cat_FAQs.html?credit=web_id83565963#Why_dont_feeding_bans_work_to_eliminate _

Outdoor Cats: Frequently Asked Questions


Learn about the outdoor cats—community (feral and stray) and owned cats—you see outside in your community

cat feral barn


Cats roam outside in most neighborhoods in the United States. Some are pets whose owners let (or put) outside, but many are community cats. Community cats may be feral or one-time pets who are stray, lost or abandoned.

The more we understand outdoor cats and the complicated issues related to them, the more effectively we can help them, reduce cat overpopulation, and protect wildlife.

What is an outdoor cat?
How is a stray cat different from a feral cat?
Why are there feral cats?
Where do community (feral and stray) cats live?
Why are outdoor cats considered problems?
If my cats have been spayed or neutered, why shouldn't I let them outside?
How can the cat-overpopulation problem be solved?
What is Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)?
How does TNR eliminate common problems associated with community cats?
Do people take care of community (feral and stray) cats? How?
Why can't animal shelters care for feral cats?
Would it be better if feral cats were euthanized?
Won't removing community (feral and stray) cats from an area eliminate the problems they cause?
Why don't feeding bans work to eliminate community (feral and stray) cats?
What can I do to help outdoor cats?

Why don't feeding bans eliminate community (feral and stray) cats?


The logic behind bans against feeding feral cats is that if there is no food available, the cats will go away. This rarely happens.

First, cats are territorial animals who can survive for weeks without food and will not easily or quickly abandon their territory. As they grow hungrier and more desperate, they tend to venture closer to homes and businesses in search of food. Despite the effort to starve them out, the cats will also continue to reproduce, resulting in the deaths of many kittens.

Second, feeding bans are nearly impossible to enforce. A person who is determined to feed the cats will usually succeed without being detected. Repeated experience has shown that people who care about the cats will go to great lengths, risking their homes, jobs and even their liberty to feed starving animals. In addition, there may be more than one feeder and other sources of food, including dumpsters, garbage cans and other animals.



■cats ONLINEより

Should You Feed Stray Cats?(野良猫にえさをあげるべきなの?)

stray cat

The answer, of course, is yes, you should feed strays.


Since cats became domesticated they are no longer wild animals that can fend for themselves outside. They don't survive very well outdoors on their own without human intervention.

The best that stray cats can usually do is to eat from garbage cans. Every now and then they may find a mouse to eat, but in general most stray cats are starving. especially during the winter.

A lot of people are reluctant to feed strays for several different reasons. One of these is the idea that strays will breed out of control if you feed them. The truth is that strays can breed out of control whether or not they are fed. Not feeding stray cats will NOT reduce the stray population.


Even very hungry cats can still breed and then they will produce starving and unhappy little kittens.


Also, remember that it isn't the cat's fault that he or she is a stray. Often strays are cats that have been abandoned by their owners for some reason. Other times, the strays are born outdoors to other stray cats. In any case, it isn't the cat's fault that they have no home. Also, cats are intelligent animals with feelings and individual personalities and it is cruel to let them go hungry.

A lot of people don't want to feed strays because they worry that if they feed a stray cat then it will hang around looking for more food.



















