Woman Investigating Clinton Foundation Ties to Human Trafficking Found Dead



Monica Peterson was found dead, and the suspicious circumstances do not add up. She was investigating for the Human Trafficking Center (HTC) in Haiti. However, she is believed to have also stumbled upon information that linked the Clinton Foundation to the trafficking of children.



WikiLeaks also released emails that connected the Clintons to pedophilia.

Reddit User billclintonisarap1st has reportedly uncovered this new mysterious death linked to Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation in so much detail, it can’t be denied. Her friends are still searching for answers but know the answer deep down…








It was well known that Monica did not take kindly to the Clinton Foundation. She was very critical of them. She even wrote an article explaining how they were connected to NYT and Carlos Slim. She was trying to expose them to the world, and she may have uncovered a little too much information, and it cost her life.

モニカがクリントン財団を快く思っていなかったことは良く知られています。彼女はクリントン財団にはとっても批判的でした。 彼女は、NYTとCarlos Slimとのつながり方を説明した記事を書いていました。 彼女はそれを世界に公開しようとしていました。彼女は情報を少しだけ明らかにしたかも知れませんが、それは彼女の命と引き換えとなってしまいました。


One more body to add to the death trail behind the crooked Clintons.

Her memorial service was held on Friday, November 18, at the University of Denver.



