Japanese government incinerates Radioactivity日本語 | フンデルトヴァッサーとの約束を守る会のブログ
【Japanese government incinerates Radioactivity】日本語訳付き


The Japanese government has not only been neglecting evacuation of the citizens of Fukushima and other contaminated areas in Kanto and Tohoku but also been trying to spread radioactive substances and diseases throughout Japan, by incinerating and burying radioactively contaminated debris all over the country. Actually as of November, 2012, incineration of the debris has been going on in many places with low contamination such as Shimada city Shizuoka prefecture, Kita-Kyushu city Fukuoka prefecture, Tsuruga city Fukui prefecture and many others.


Surprisingly, Mayor Hashimoto of Osaka city completely dismissed the voices of protest from the citizens, and is forcibly carrying out the outrageous policy of incinerating the radioactively contaminated debris in Maisu plant, a work of Hundert Wasser – an anti-nuclear artist. From there, he intends to spread the contamination to the world.


Hashimoto is notorious for his insulting remarks on art, oppression on the socially vulnerable, and autocratic behavior.
We are trying to stop this policy that starts from November 24, 2012.


At the briefing of incineration of debris in Osaka , four Osaka residents who were protesting the plan have been arrested.
Osaka Mayor Hashimoto is betraying himself as a tyrant.


In addition to radiation, the debris in the East Japan Great Earthquake is contaminated by harmful chemical substances and heavy metal.
Already in the U.S. , the detection values of asbestos are soaring. Thus, diseases resulting from these contaminations are anticipated to increase in other countries than Japan as well.


We, therefore, expect your voices of protest to the Japanese government, Osaka municipal office, and other cities that are bullying their ways to the incineration!


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan外務省  https://www3.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/mail/qa.html
TEL   03-3580-3311 

Oosaka City https://www.osaka-city-callcenter.jp/mail_ssl.html

Kitakyushu City https://www.city.kitakyushu.lg.jp/cgi-bin/inquire/inquire.cgi

Shimada City E-Mail shimada@city.shimada.shizuoka.jp
HP http://www.city.shimada.shizuoka.jp/index.jsp

Shizuoka City koho@city.shizuoka.lg.jp

Tsuruga City https://www.ton21.ne.jp/sypher/www/contact/input.jsp

Yamagata City https://www.city.yamagata-yamagata.lg.jp/cgi-bin/iken/guest.cgi?action=new_form&project=iken_teigen

Following is an excerpt from the report “Dual Falsehood – Expanded Disposal of Debris & Coming Home through Decontamination” by Dr. Kosaku Yamada, former professor of physics at Kyoto University .
以下、「原発問題の争点」(緑風会出版)http://www.ryokufu.com/isbn978-4-8461-1213-4n.html内の、元京都大学理学部教授 山田耕作 先生(専門 理論物理学)が書いた部分「二重の欺瞞性ーがれきの広域処理と除染による帰郷 2-1がれき広域処理」より引用・

The Japanese government is desperately forcing through the expanded processing of debris by giving pressure to municipal governments.

It is scheduled in their plan that out of the 2000 million tons of debris in Iwate and Miyagi prefectures, 20% or 400 million tons will be carried out for the expanded incineration. (Note of the blog creator: As of October, 2012, the total amount of the debris has decreased to 1595 million tons. Accordingly, the portion for the expanded disposal has also decreased to 168 million tons.)


The government claims that reconstruction of the disaster areas is hampered by the debris. Obviously, this claim is false judging from the fact that 80% of the debris of the two prefectures is going to be disposed locally, not to mention the 100% local disposal of the highly contaminated debris in Fukushima. That is, there must be another, real reason. What is gathering the public attention – as the real reason – is the interests of large enterprises that can profit from the incineration. What must be done is to benefit local industries and employment – as people insist – through the local disposal.


In the first place, disposal and re-use of the debris must be done as a part of the entire reconstruction plan. For example, debris with low contamination may be used as the base of a breakwater.  The foremost necessities are agreements on acquisition of tsunami-free residential areas and reconstruction aid plans.


And concerning disposal of the debris, the principles of environmental protection must be strictly observed. The fundamental principles are: never spread through thinning out; and measure the entire contamination. Debris should be re-used as much as possible, and its incineration should be limited to the least possible amount. These principles are the lessons we received on the precious sacrifices through the past environmental pollutions. It is beyond our understanding that these principles have been quite easily dismissed and neglected by the Environmental Ministry and in various conferences it has held. What on earth were they meant for? It is very clear that the expanded disposal violates not only the principles of environmental protection but also the International Agreement on Protection from Radioactive Waves.


The international agreement on protection from radioactive waves states: It is prohibited to mix contaminated foods and wastes with non-contaminated things, and to claim them to be “safe” on the basis of a special measure.


At present, the Japanese government violates this non-thinning out agreement protocol with regard to food and debris resulting from the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear reactor accident. The German Councils for Protection from Radioactive Waves urges the Japanese government to urgently withdraw this “thinning out policy.” Otherwise, all the Japanese citizens will be unknowingly exposed to the secondary contamination from Topco’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant accident. Protective measures will be valid only in a waste dump that is separated in terms of space, and is secured and controlled in terms of safety. This applies also to the foods with thinned out contamination. The present measures for the debris and food will spread health hazards among the Japanese citizens.(Sebastian Pflugbeil /President of the German Society for Radiation Protection, November 27, 2011)

日本政府は現在、食品について、および地震・原発事故・津波被災地からのがれき処理について、この希釈禁止合意に違反している。ドイツ放射線防護協会はこの「希釈政策」を至急撤回するよう勧告する。撤回されない場合、全ての日本の市民が、知らぬ間に東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故の「二次汚染」にさらされることになるだろう。空間的に隔離し、安全を確保し、管理された廃棄物集積所でなければ、防護策は困難である。「汚染を希釈された」食品についても同様である。現在の汚染がれきおよび食品への対応では、日本市民に健康被害が広がってしまう」。ドイツ放射線防護協会会長 セバスティアン・プフルークバイル、2011年11月27日)

The danger becomes even clearer if we specifically examine the issue. It is impossible to detect the radioactive substances contained in the debris only by measuring the superficial amounts. In addition, multiple contaminations by heavy metal, asbestos, PCB and others will expand internal radiation to the whole country. Hence, the expanded disposal means creation of second Fukushima . Already, test incinerations have been conducted in many places including Shimada city, and detections of pine leaves in the city by Dr. Kono of Kyoto University found drastic increase in radioactive contamination. The study eloquently attests to the danger of expanded incineration of the debris all around Japan.
