Intended blackout from 9:20 a.m. on Tuesday 3/22 | 翻訳で食べていく方法★プロの翻訳者養成所

Intended blackout from 9:20 a.m. on Tuesday 3/22


The Tokyo Electric Power Company

Inc. (TEPCO) announced on March

21, 2011, that they may start intended

blackout from 9:20 am on Monday,

March 22 targeting the areas

categorizes as Group 1, for the first

time in past four days.

According to the powerhouse company,

the black out would not be carried out

for Group 5, which was originally

planned to lose power from 6:20 am

until 10:00 am.

On Tuesday, 1.5 million kilo watt of

electricity seems to be in short, where

the total demand is estimated to be

37 million kilo watt against the total

supply of 35.5 million kilo watt. The

intended blackout will be carried out

first in the area of Group 1 and it

ends with Group 4. The company has

not decided whether or not to carry

out twice on the same day in the same

area. Residences in Group 1 may lose

power supply for at most 3 hours,

from 9:30 am until 1:00 pm.

TEPCO will open a telephone

information line exclusively for the

intended blackout at 9:00 am on

Tuesday, March 22, providing

information on the schedule 24

hours a day. For the information,

call 0120-925-433.